Final Takeaways/Project Conclusions

Howdy Everybody! As Strategic Presentation is coming to an end, I would like to take some time and reflect a bit! When I first decided to take Strategic Presentation, I really did not know what to expect. On one hand, I have always loved technology and how far it has come the past decade, but on another I was not really confident in how I would do in the class, but taking Strategic Presentation definitely surpassed my expectations as I really enjoyed taking this class. Looking back at all the memories, I definitely have two big takeaways/memorable things in this class that I really enjoyed. The first memorable part of this class was actually creating our website. This was memorable as I had never ever created a website of my own and it was so unexpected, but exciting at the same time. Going through the struggles of setting up my website and then finally succeeding was a great and rewarding experience. It also opened my eyes to how much I enjoyed making a website and how good it felt to actually create a blog about something I loved. It made me sort of open to the idea of making a real blog for basketball fans and lakers fans so that I could express my emotions through the sport I love thus I definitely feel that making a website and blog was definitely a memorable takeaway. Finally, I also really enjoyed making the podcast as I have always loved podcasts and to make a podcast about the sport that I loved was really fun to do and it did not even seem like I was completing an assignment rather it was like I was having fun and doing something that I always wanted to do. I had experience making podcasts before, but I have never completed a podcast about basketball and after doing it, I can confidently say that I will make another one and have hopes to make my own blog as I really enjoyed both experiences. The final project taught me something very specific and that was that there are a lot of things that go into making a podcast and it is not as easy as it seems such as Copyright and Creative Commons. Although it took a lot, I really enjoyed the final project! Taking this class really opened my eyes to all these different forms of media and technologies which I really enjoyed and it was definitely a pleasant experience being in this class. There are things that this class has taught me that I will always remember and overall I loved the experience! In the end, I will always bleed the Purple and Gold!

The Purple and Gold: How to use ESPN’s Trade Simulator!

Hello Everyone! My name is Wassan Aqil, main editor and creator of the Purple and Gold! In this video, I decided to create a tutorial on how to use the prominent NBA ESPN Trade Machine. Although, my website consists of Lakers Fans, this video is meant for all NBA fans, regardless of which team you support and regardless of how much experience you have in watching the NBA! In this video, I used the highly regarded trade that is being mentioned by prominent NBA reports in Adrian Wojnarowski and Shams Charania. Before I get into the specifics, I made this video which is intended for all NBA fans in general. I made this as I know the trade simulator is a big part of my website and it is a big part of the NBA community. Many people have said that they have trouble using it as they do not know how to thus I decided to create this tutorial for all my viewers, so that people can learn how to use the simulator which can lead to more interaction between all of us which is what the NBA actually wants! This trade involves in Mo Bamba and Davon Reed for Dorian Finney-Smith. I also go into detail of when the trade is not successful in the trade simulator and how to avoid that!

I definitely feel that this video will have no trouble getting to the NBA community and people actually finding this video. I feel that my video will reach the NBA community and people will not have any trouble finding it due to the fact that the algorithm and filters will work to my favor. According to Christine T. Wolf, ” The new generation of Internet filters looks at the things you seem to like — the actual things you’ve done, or the things people like you like — and tries to extrapolate. They are prediction engines, constantly creating and refining a theory of who you are and what you’ll do and want next (Wolf, 2016).” Obviously, the NBA community and fans love trades as it adds excitement to the league and just like me, many of us search for NBA trades on Youtube and watch reports and other creators talking about potential trades and this is where the algorithm will help me. Personally, on my Youtube website, my recommended videos always has videos of trades as I search a lot for trade videos and that is exactly what Wolf argues. Filters essentially search people’s past inquiries and use that to build a recommended profile of videos which leads them to videos they believe that they will enjoy. In my case, the filters will steer people who view a lot of trade videos in my direction which is how people will view my video. The algorithm will look at the people who like the NBA and consistently watch NBA videos and then they will filter my video onto their recommended page in order to give them videos that the algorithm thinks they will like based on their past searches. Thus, I definitely believe that there will be no problem in the NBA community finding my video! I also have to mention that there are not many videos mentioning how to use the ESPN’s trade simulator which is another factor that will attract viewers to my video!

Attached below is the links to both the NBA trade simulator and my website! I also attached links to both NBA reporters in Adrian Wojnarowski and Shams Charania! Please like, share and subscribe for more NBA related content so we can build the Purple and Gold Fam!

Links and Sources:

ESPN Trade Simulator:

The Purple and Gold:

Adrian Wojnarowski:

Shams Charania:

Wolf, C. T. (2016). DIY videos on YouTube: Identity and possibility in the age of algorithms. First Monday.

Introduction to The Purple and Gold!

Hello Folks! My name is Wassan Aqil and I would like to formally welcome all of you to the Purple and Gold, the premier source for information about the Los Angeles Lakers! As a seasoned sports writer and ardent Lakers supporter, I’m thrilled to contribute my knowledge and experience to this website. The Purple and Gold provides everything you need to stay up to date on your favorite team, whether you’re looking for game recaps, trade rumors, or in-depth analysis. I have years of experience writing for Bleacher Report, specifically covering the Lakers, whether it was rumors or analysis of post-game comments by the staff which gives me a unique perspective on the Lakers basketball universe. Each article I produce reflects my love of writing and analysis.

All Lakers Fans should be able to enjoy my Sports Blog whether you are a new follower of the Lakers or a life-long fan! I have many hopes for this newly created website and they revolve around being the main location for fans to enjoy a thorough analysis of everything related to the Lakers. I also strive to give fans a place for them to share their thoughts and opinions on my website thus I will be holding Opinion Piece Thursdays where every week followers will have the ability to write their opinion concerning a aspect they have in regards to the Lakers! I hope that one day the site can really grow so that  people who do not have strong credentials in journalism can express their opinions to a bigger audience! Specifically, the audience being LA Lakers Fans!

My intended audience is not to be consolidated into one location, but I dream of having international fans enjoying the site as well! As you all know, the Lakers are one huge fanbase dating back to the showtime days! The Purple and Gold is just now starting, but it is here to stay and hopefully grow more more as our work reaches more and more people! And hey, who knows maybe our work can reach the coaching staff of the Los Angeles Lakers and we can make a real difference on the court! Its showtime baby!