Final Takeaways/Project Conclusions

Howdy Everybody! As Strategic Presentation is coming to an end, I would like to take some time and reflect a bit! When I first decided to take Strategic Presentation, I really did not know what to expect. On one hand, I have always loved technology and how far it has come the past decade, but on another I was not really confident in how I would do in the class, but taking Strategic Presentation definitely surpassed my expectations as I really enjoyed taking this class. Looking back at all the memories, I definitely have two big takeaways/memorable things in this class that I really enjoyed. The first memorable part of this class was actually creating our website. This was memorable as I had never ever created a website of my own and it was so unexpected, but exciting at the same time. Going through the struggles of setting up my website and then finally succeeding was a great and rewarding experience. It also opened my eyes to how much I enjoyed making a website and how good it felt to actually create a blog about something I loved. It made me sort of open to the idea of making a real blog for basketball fans and lakers fans so that I could express my emotions through the sport I love thus I definitely feel that making a website and blog was definitely a memorable takeaway. Finally, I also really enjoyed making the podcast as I have always loved podcasts and to make a podcast about the sport that I loved was really fun to do and it did not even seem like I was completing an assignment rather it was like I was having fun and doing something that I always wanted to do. I had experience making podcasts before, but I have never completed a podcast about basketball and after doing it, I can confidently say that I will make another one and have hopes to make my own blog as I really enjoyed both experiences. The final project taught me something very specific and that was that there are a lot of things that go into making a podcast and it is not as easy as it seems such as Copyright and Creative Commons. Although it took a lot, I really enjoyed the final project! Taking this class really opened my eyes to all these different forms of media and technologies which I really enjoyed and it was definitely a pleasant experience being in this class. There are things that this class has taught me that I will always remember and overall I loved the experience! In the end, I will always bleed the Purple and Gold!

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